I have pog news! If u checked out my bulletin on making Hot Topic scene again and check out the link, people are begging HT to become scemo again! So guess wht. https://www.hottopic.com/product/rawr-mismatch-earrings-set/15890330.html#q=Rawr&start=1 THEY KNOW! I'm gonna get these cuz I feel like this is a test to see if people r e al l y want scene stuff back So get these and review them saying t... » Continue Reading
WE NEED TO SPAM HOT TOPIC’S REVIEWS TO MAKE THEM SCEMO AGAIN! (and to make them stop being so πΈπΈπΈ) Go on anything scene or emo (studded belts, gir, etc.) and spam the reviews with requests to make Hot Topic scemo again! https://www.hottopic.com/product/invader-zim-cosplay-hoodie/10697227.html Like the reviews on here! (Pls add a rewiew asking for th » Continue Reading
https://www.google.com/amp/s/mashable.com/article/scene-kid-prep-school-cool%3famp Ik most of us are Gen Z and most of us have moved past racism but we need to make sure tht POC scene kids (such as myself) are welcomed in the community. This behavior is disgusting and horrible! PleasepleaseplEASE learn from the mistakes of the scene k » Continue Reading
I’m still tryna figure out how to exactly personalize it. When I do, I promise I’ll tell u guys! I wish I could customize my yt like this. OH SPEAKING ABT YT, I have one! My name’s Xx_SomeSceneCath0lic_xX » Continue Reading