i kimda forgor abt this website tbh >_> theres been sm goign on in my life.. i changed my hair again :DD this time i fried it so its fuckign straight LMAO (i have naturally wavy/curly hair) and its split dyed pruple and black... the black is already fading tho so i got oil spill colors ^^' i also switched from an iphone to a google pixel and guys.... its sm better. FVCK apple they keep so many coo... » Continue Reading
ive been on pinterest since i was littel and i cant fuckign stop myself im so brutally active on pinterest all the time its terrible ;-; im a genuine addict i have so many boards and hundreds of thousands of pins ... i used to hav way more too i deleted some MONSTER boards .my favorite activities hav been rollerblading anf screensharing pinterest on discord X_X » Continue Reading
all on my pinterestt :p https://www.pinterest.com/punkygunk/ i was just genuinely having fun making these^^ and some r a bit more suited for my specific taste bc i wanna use them myself lolz ! it was such a fun lil project and i wanan do so many more genrees but for now .theesse :33!! » Continue Reading
i would luv to just b able to own a few acres of land and build a settlement w my frens... hav a big ol garden and sum chcikens and cows and cats and dogs and some big ol sheds wher we keep the important sht and every1 gets their own room/house/wtv they can afford/make ... livin th life without th burdens of capitalism nd all helpin eachother out......... sigh. bring back communal living :( » Continue Reading
MY HAIR IS STILL.MILDLY CRIZPY IDK WAHT TO DOOO i been using hair masks nd shti and its gotten better ...but its still hay-like and womt curl like th rest of my hair >m < wat do i doooo » Continue Reading
i wuznt expecting soo many ppl under 18.. much less all these ppl under 16 X_X my 05 azz caught th very tail end of myspace b4 it died and th culture kimda continued on roblox after so my little azz was somehow emo in the 2000's .. i was rlly expecting more adults who lived the OG myspace on here 4 da nostalgia lolz ;; » Continue Reading
i fuckimg BLEACHED THIS SHIT TO HELL !!!!!!!!!!!!! its white now:3 so kewl but im tryign so hard to save the texture lolzz imobsessed w hozier now too idk where that one came from » Continue Reading