i would luv to just b able to own a few acres of land and build a settlement w my frens... hav a big ol garden and sum chcikens and cows and cats and dogs and some big ol sheds wher we keep the important sht and every1 gets their own room/house/wtv they can afford/make ... livin th life without th burdens of capitalism nd all helpin eachother out.........
sigh. bring back communal living :(
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John Horne
well, if you move to Alaska you can! or if you have a couple million dollars lying around you can buy a town on route 66.
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mann im floridian alaska wuld kill me ;; we do got th everglades , not sure if i can build a swamp settlement tho LOLZ
by punkygunk; ; Report
Fuck, just build an illegal village in the everglades or some other remote area
by John Horne; ; Report