Basic Info My name is Nozomi Kaizoku, but I'm cool with Nozomi, Zomie/Zomi (doesn't matter the spelling), or just Luca(s) or Pheonix! I'm 17 (My birthday is 01/14). I go by He/they/it pronouns. I'm autistic with ADHD and BPD I am Pansexual, Aromantic, and Non-Binary (questioning agender) (Masculine and androgynous terms for me are cool with me). Boundaries General If I'm discussing someth » Continue Reading
I want to get into a new hobby since I'm losing motivation to draw or play video games, but there aren't a lot of great options out there. I don't like cooking, or sewing, or jewelry making, or really any of the "basic" hobbies, and the hobbies i did find interesting are either SUPER expensive or involve me being on the computer/phone a lot (something I hope to stop). Also I suck at fanfiction. I ... » Continue Reading
I tried to update my pfp and now it won't let me :(((( It just comes up blank How do I fix this?????? AAAAAAAAAAAAA UPDATE: My pfp is back let's go :D » Continue Reading
I'm so sorry if it's been a long long while since I've been on here, but I have returned :D I left cause I was dealing with some code issues with my page layout and also the tony crynight community is basically dead on here, so ye :p Gonna edit my page to make it more revelvant to me currently so stay tuned, or should I say tOOned XD » Continue Reading
I lost my fucking phone today and i wanna kill myself so fucking bad rn I can already smell my hanging corpse rn holy fuck UPDATE (I know it's been a while): I found my phone on the bus Tuesday and I'm doing ok now, but I think I'm starting to go insane. I don't think it's normal to literally relapse self harm over a fucking phone. » Continue Reading
This has been a problem that has been going on for a while and it's starting to drive me insane. So you know how there's a lot of people that get bothered at the fact that tony crynight takes a while to make animations (Usually takes about a month to make one on average by the way)? And you know how some people get pissed off whenever the animation that does finally get posted is short? Well, if y... » Continue Reading
I'm aware it's been like 2 months since the last time I was active on this platform, but I came across it again while doing my normal shit on here sooooooooooo ye :p I'm not going to be active much because (if I will admit) it's kinda tedious to post here, I will be posting more often on my tiktok (@nozomi._.kaizoku..altacc), so if anyone wants to add me there, go ahead lolz » Continue Reading
I really didn't know what to post on here plus not a lot of activity is on here and also nobody on this platform seems to know who tony crynight is, soooo yeah. :p I am more active on my tiktok and facebook (yes, I have a facebook, don't judge me. XP) Tiktok: @nozomi._.kaizoku..altacc Facebook: Lucas Krager (my name irl :p) Also to make up for the inactivity, her » Continue Reading
bro so my dad just woke me up at fucking 5-6 in the fucking morning to tell me that we were having pancakes at the fire department in my area cause my mom really wanted to go apparently, and I kept trying to ask about it because I genuinely wasn't told about this at any moment prior and never have I been gaslighted so hard in my entire life because he's literally been acting like I'm some stupid f... » Continue Reading
Tbh I fucking hate capitalism so much it's not even funny anymore. Like genuenely, some billionares in fucking florida are hoarding their wealth as we know it while the rest of us can't even afford to eat for the week. Literally i don't even see the point in capitalism other than rich fuckers to fucking control the rest of the population and shit. No, having 9 bagillion digits of money is not an ... » Continue Reading
In honor of disability pride Month, j have changed my pfp to what you see rn and will leave it until the end of July. I am choosing to celebrate because I'm autistic (which is an invisible disability that's basically the rewiring of the brain) and want to support my fellow autistic ppl out there :3 if anyone's autistic, plz moot me /nf » Continue Reading