Olaa, me llamo Andrew no se socializar con la gente de spacehey, entonces hago este blog para saber quien kiere unirse ami grupo :v Este grupo es principalmente para socializar, conocernos los hispanohablantes de la pagina y hacer amikos, a continuacion, una pequeña lista DNI * Proshippers/Comshippers *11-19 no se permiten personas que pasen de los 18 okk » Continue Reading
Si eres hispanohablante (por no decir latinoamericano) muy probablemente hayas intentado alguna vez adaptarte al humor gringo y a hacer blogs en inglés, bulletines en ingles por el simple hecho de que en esta página es difícil encontrar personas que hablen tu mismo idioma. Después de todo es sofocante entrar a esta página por primera vez y darte cuenta de que casi no existen usuarios que hablen es... » Continue Reading
Have you ever thought about the lack of role variety in pony town? it's always whorehouses, colleges or sex schools (which is funny because they NEVER do anything racy in those roles). And every time someone tries to vary by doing a fantasy role there are always few people, or else they leave within minutes and the server is completely empty in a matter of hours. People never take the roles serio... » Continue Reading
ing/esp ola a todos, el día de hoy voy a hacer un tuto para poner fotos en sus bulletines i blogs :33 hello everyone Bv, today I'm going to teach you how to place photos in your bulletins and blogs :33 first we will go to a page called "catbox", once we enter the page it will ask us to export an image, in this case we will use the image we want to put in the blog/bulletin. primero iremos a una pag... » Continue Reading
Actually, there was a period of my life between 2021-2023 where I did not use tik tok due to personal problems. But seriously it has changed too much, maybe the one who changed was me but seriously, I'm so disgusted by all of this. Maybe some may disagree with me but tik tok now looks like twitter, with all the people complaining about everything and the constant bickering in comments, this is no ... » Continue Reading
(sorry if from time to time you don't understand what I say, my English is very bad). Analog horror is very underrated ๐ญ๐ญ, sometimes I'd like to upload more content about this fandom but I'm afraid that some friends will think I'm "weird" for uploading scary stuff. One of my favorite series that I would like to be more known is _Boisvert, it is very little known and also its story is very strange ... » Continue Reading