I used to watch videos like these all the time. I recreated it on youtube here. Anyone remember these? They probably started my interest in animals. I kinda root for the gorilla anyway. Tigers do have the speed and teeth though... https://youtu.be/cmhh_cgL_PI » Continue Reading
I wanted to play some kirby's epic yarn since it is like the cutest game ever and I remembered you could take photos. I checked and the last time I played this (2013), I made a little christmas house for him :'). Merry christmas everyone. » Continue Reading
Heyo yall! Thanksgiving is in a few days and I am so looking forward to it. I'm making some cornbread and my grandparents are bringing cheesecake ^-^ MY FAVORITE. I have one more day and I'm on break so I can't wait to chill and probably play pokemon. Happy Thanksgiving everyone be safe :))))) » Continue Reading