Hello everyone! I wanted to thank the ppl that joined the visual kei group i made already. I just wanted to add anyone interested in any j-fashion or alternative (life)style is more than welcomed. I’ll post some more stuff on the group later on. As i said, I hope we can all find a little bit » Continue Reading
Hello everyone! I finally made a visual kei group , so now people can actually join. I hope we can all find a little bit of community on there :) all i ask for is that if you join you’d introduce yourself (so maybe we can all friend eachother!) Heres the link for if the one up top doesn’t work: https://groups.spacehey.com/VisualKeiFans » Continue Reading
Hello to everyone interested in visual kei! On here i was browsing groups, trying to find an active one that catered to visual kei, but turns out theres very little to find. nearly all group have a really low member count or are inactive. (all participating accounts/posts have been silent for over a month) I thought this was kind of a shame, since ive seen plenty of people on here interested in vi... » Continue Reading
Hello, hello! As previously mentioned in my blog post “ goth thrifting ” I promised to make another post on where to find J-fashion specifically. Real quick, J-fashion is a broad concept. From gyaru to visual kei, all the way to lolita and decora kei and what not. I will put the most seen style of the site next to the urls, so you can automatically find one that fits you. (Yes visual kei people, t... » Continue Reading
As many alternative/goth people know: Clothes are crazy expensive Like, seriously. New (branded) clothes that are marketed towards goth or lolita audiences are crazy. Brands like punk rave, moi-même-moitié, kill star , you name it… often end up out of peoples price range. And with good reason, because the clothes end up being good quality! ( As long as you care for them the right way, lmk if you w... » Continue Reading
Hello fellow peeps on here! I was wondering if anyone here was also a movie fanatic ( yes, netflix counts! ) and attempts to keep track of what they watched. I've got tons and tons of movies of which i only have some badly put in my notes app on my phone or scattered around on old word documents. Until today, because through reddit ( u/ChimkenFinger ) i found an AMAZING site to keep track with. i ... » Continue Reading