I've been in kinda a rut lately. I was already kinda down about my friend situation and then cover hit and I started seeing people even less then before. after hanging out with friends last Monday, I realized something. I have three friends; friends 1 and 2 are dating so I often third wheel with them and friend 3 has a super busy schedul » Continue Reading
- the middle area of a roundabout - the outdoor/nature walk area of a hospital - that one lone rock like 100 yards from the shore - the roof of my elementary school - in the middle of a field - pipes underneath the streets - a school cafeteria after hours - someone else's front yard add your own locations if ya like » Continue Reading
so on Friday I'm FINALLY getting my bridge pierced!! I was supposed to get snakebites in November for my birthday but then the shops were closed and once they opened, they weren't doing mouth piercings. by the time I picked out something new they closed AGAIN so I'm really happy to finally get it done » Continue Reading
here's a list of songs that have been hitting a little too hard lately lol Connect the Cuts by INK - https://youtu.be/p_imLWDWIGw the "burn motherfucker" is my favorite part Death's Design by FHTTS - https://youtu.be/EZUjTCHRaok Let Go by FHTTS - https://youtu.be/7BOZlI-FGPc literally no matter what mood I am this reminds me of my failed relationships lmao » Continue Reading