Wow wow wow what a YEAR I've had with Video Games!! A smorgasbord of new and old alike! I'll drop the chart first, then break it down for ya, from bottom to the top! Please know that each and every opinion has been certified fact by an objective, independent third party - my own subjective opinion! So if you disagree, perfectly valid. I'd love to hear your thoughts too! Also, I tried to keep them ... » Continue Reading
Sorry modern world, you're boring as hell! I created this page to get the fuck away from all that corporate sterility and get back to when the web was fun! (And the shit that got posted was posted by people!) So yaa, follow me for awesome music, aestheticposting, random musings and cool shit I find! And remember: it is always morally correct to pirate adobe products! Starting off, my favorite song... » Continue Reading
I will never forget my experience playing Wizard101. My boyfriend (now husband!) begged me to play it with him, calling it his favorite childhood game. I logged in, did the tutorial area, then played around in the starting area. It was so happy go lucky and so easy I was like "wow, this is for babies". How wrong I was. I kept playing it with him all the way to the L » Continue Reading
It just hit me that 2004 is now 20 years ago. In 2004, 1984 was 20 years ago. 1984 is now 40 years ago. In 2004, 1964 was 40 years ago. Guys I'm scared I might be old. All of this is now vintage. All of this is now retro. Antique. How the fuck did this happen » Continue Reading
So I was watching this video, and the amount of information that cookies share on you is downright disturbing. Sure, everyone knows advertisers track you, but I bet the average webizen doesn't know that they collect stuff like how much battery is in your device, your screen color depth and what fonts you have installed. » Continue Reading
I finished Caravan SandWitch a few days ago, and WOW....WOW what an incredible, gorgeous experience. The world is a soul home, the characters are all wonderful and the gameplay is the height of satisfaction. Combine Assassin's Creed, Mad Max and Banjo Kazooie in a thoughtful, combat-free, mysterious sci fi story with rich lore and beautiful music in a gorgeous world and you get Caravan SandWitch. ... » Continue Reading
Been playing it a bunch lately, love it to bits. Well, playing is an exaggeration. Currently, I'm leveling up cooking to level 99 (at level 74 right now! Just switched to wine making and omg, sooo much faster than cooked meat ;_;)...and then I have to level everything else up to 99. :D Once everything is leveled up, I'll get to play the game yay But fr, the vibe of OSRS is just...unironically beau... » Continue Reading
Okay so not posted for a FAT MINUTE, and fuck me I feel bad about that. I had a surgery two months ago that I've been in extensive recovery for, even taking a month at a health retreat with no internet (my partner's mum's house) to do some intense healing as the surgery was quite extensive. I'm okay now, though life has certainly changed for me as a result. During the second month of recovery, my ... » Continue Reading
You know, vaporwave started out as an ironic critique of 80s/90s capitalism. I was told I wasn't meant to love the vapid worlds it displayed, the shitty 3D, the soft muzak, the VHS quality advertisements. I wasn't supposed to love the Click Now! ads or the dorky look of the 90s/early 00s. But I fucking do, I fucking love this shit. I want to shape my entire life around those things. I want to live... » Continue Reading
The Xbox 360 Marketplace is closing forever tomorrow, meaning you cannot get anymore games or dlc for the Xbox 360. What you have claimed or bought will remain in your account. Unfortunately I don't have a total list of free games on the Xbox 360 that we can claim today to preserve those, but I will add major ones in this topic. ( » Continue Reading