Loneliness is happiness Sometimes you're happier all alone. Sometimes the isolation, the silence, the tranquility, it's what makes you happy because it's just you and your surroundings, with no expectations. To live in a world without ever needing anything and having nothing needed » Continue Reading
After finishing Super Metroid, I played almost all of Metroid Dread over the past three days...and really loved it I'd gotten the game when it first came out years ago but wanted to play Super and Fusion first I'm glad I did because it gave me a deep appreciation for the controls, which are just....perfect, by comparison And it's given me an appreciation for the story as well I wouldn't have had o... » Continue Reading
The UK is fucking where it's AT when it comes to rave culture, I was at FurTheRecord in Glasgow last week and the beats just did NOT stop! Six whole hours of drinking, partying, making out and dancing my furry ass off with friends! One of the DJ's was kind enough to upload their mix and it's loud as fuck and cool as hell » Continue Reading