Jacob Persico
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Where the Fuck is God (song)
Category: Religion and Philosophy
Just found this great under-rated song: https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=QkhYFpMDx_s » Continue Reading
Fact checking site admits BBC reported WTC7 collapse before it happened. But...
Category: Blogging
Fact checking site admits BBC reported WTC7 collapse before it happened. But says it was a mistake because it was actually thought it was "about to collapse": https://fullfact.org/online/bbc-world-trade-center-7-september-11/ » Continue Reading
How was BBC able to announce WTC7 collapse before it happened??
Category: Blogging
BBC announced the Solomon Building (WTC7) collapse before it happened. As can be seen by the video in my previous blog. So that means the official story is a LIE! » Continue Reading
Does something seem a little suspicious about 9/11
Category: Blogging
Thousands of people are saying how the outer beams on the towers during 9/11 couldn't have been cut through by the planes and that the fire couldn't hate taken down the buildings. How come other sky scrapers haven't collapsed from fire like the twin towers and why were they running so many exercises during 9/11. This video is worth a watch: » Continue Reading
— 6 Kudos
Windows 11 update removing apps and features
Category: Web, HTML, Tech
This should be against the law. If you buy something the company should NOT be allowed to go into that device remotely and remove apps and features! If you have Windows 11 Microsoft is going to go into your computer and erase some of the apps in it. Yes they are apps from Microsoft themselves but they should NOT be allowed to take that software away from you after you payed for it by buying the op... » Continue Reading
Good Morning 🌞- "Hello Planet"
Category: Blogging
Good Morning! 🌞 Hello, Planet - Hatsune Miku » Continue Reading
Secure your router if you use the Internet
Category: Web, HTML, Tech
It's important to change your router passwords and make sure your router is up to date: https://www.forbes.com/sites/daveywinder/2024/10/02/new-critical-password-warning-86-of-all-router-users-need-to-act-now/ » Continue Reading
Malware "Necro" recently infected millions of Androids
Category: Web, HTML, Tech
A malware known as Necro has recently infected millions of Android devices: https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/android-malware-necro-infects-11-million-devices-via-google-play/ I just installed and scanned with the free Avast (AVG is another good option) to be on the safe side (exit the screen asking for a fee), al » Continue Reading
Repost: Yes, you can upgrade that old PC to Windows 11
Category: Web, HTML, Tech
I've probably publicly said this before: You can bypass ALL the checks in the Windows 11 installer to force it to install Windows 11 even on hardware Micro$oft doesn't want you to put Windows 11 on. Check out this article I just read for instructions: https://www.zdnet.com/article/yes-you-can-upgrade-that-old-pc-to-w » Continue Reading
Actually, Linux is the most popular in the world
Category: Web, HTML, Tech
Here's another tech misconception. People say Linux is not popular. That's total BS. Operating systems running the Linux kernel are the most popular in the world. Even if you only include Linux Distros that out of the box have a Linux terminal and ability to install Linux programs (so that excludes Android and Chromebooks) those are still the most popular when it comes to servers and super compute... » Continue Reading
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The Linux difference. No forced obsolescence like other OSs
Category: Web, HTML, Tech
Why would you want #Linux? Because it won't tell you your computer is to old and refuse to upgrade. My friend has a dinosaur, to old to even run YouTube. It is running the newest version of a Linux Distro fully up to date, updates fully supported! Q4OS in this case. While the #Windows 11 installer will refuse to run just because it doesn't like your hardware even though your hardware is way more p... » Continue Reading