I've probably publicly said this before: You can bypass ALL the checks in the Windows 11 installer to force it to install Windows 11 even on hardware Micro$oft doesn't want you to put Windows 11 on.
Check out this article I just read for instructions: https://www.zdnet.com/article/yes-you-can-upgrade-that-old-pc-to-windows-11-even-if-microsoft-says-no-these-readers-proved-it/
These restrictions are stupid and arbitrary. Just not having a processor on the approved list stops the install and it complains your system is not compatible. Not have the unessisery TPM and the installer doesn't want to work. But you can bypass all that and your computer will likely work just fine with Windows 11. You also have the option of switching to Linux and avoid all the anti-consumer BS from Microsoft's Windows. I recommend Linux Mint, or if you like KDE Plasma then Kubuntu or Debian with KDE Plasma.
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I don't really think it's worth it.