Soo, I was wondering if I should document some of my code stuff on here? If anyone's even interested? Eh, I'm sure someone is! Else I'll just update my github on the regular :3 » Continue Reading
So.. to start things off.. I MIGHT have a shot at getting a job soon, HOWEVER my worry extends far beyond that. Because how exactly will a job help me accomplish things in the current time, considering I'll hardly make enough to get all the things I wanna get and do the things I wanna do. I feel like life's wayyyy too short to just work through it all- or am I alone on this one?- Like, I bought... » Continue Reading
It's in all honesty insane what people create on here in terms of html/css content- Something tells me I should look into writing a layout on my own sometime? Been out of the loop with HTML for a good bit, lucky if I still remember the basics, let alone anything more- Kinda surprised if anyone even reads this- Like, it's not as if I'm some god-tier blogger, just doing this on the side if anything,... » Continue Reading
Just got on here, heard this was like.. basically the cooler version of every social media out there- plus Instagram and the likes are kinda ehhhh... So yeah! Hey hey! » Continue Reading