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weird dream #10: the wall made of Bible

Category: Dreams and the Supernatural

Okay, the dream is about a weird wall, a wall made out of Bible. I'm not sure if it's the Holy Bible, but it's a wall of text and the only text I saw was "The Beginning". Then two more walls appear, and it looked like there's a character in a theater or something. The character isn't me. Then somebody yelled, "A FOURTH WALL IS COMING!" and it was clear to me that the wall was invisible, because ho... » Continue Reading

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Message Box Replies 2024-08-02

Category: Blogging

It's Friday, you know what that means: I get to reply to the messages you sent me last week(-ish)! have you ever heard of in stars and time No... I think I'll search that up 🙂 Thank you so much, and I'll see you next Friday! PS: if you missed out, here's the link again:  » Continue Reading

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whats 9+10 years? (+ something)

Category: Blogging

Today is my birthday as of posting this. 😱😱😱🎂😱😱😱 Also, I'd like to acknowledge this: If you believe more in the Western Zodiac (Aries, Tarus, etc.) than the Eastern Zodiac (Rat, Ox, etc.), then that's fine, I believe more in the Eastern one because I guess it's more fitting to me as an Asian... So, the image above is one part of my "rise and fall chart", where the longer the bar, t » Continue Reading

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the weirdest bit of local news i've received/discovered

Category: Blogging

For starters, I used to be on t****k because I was pretty bored during the pandemic, but then the app got really divided amongst its users and I've deleted the account. I still browse it on the computer because it's the only place where you don't have to sign up. (Also, I've put this under blogging because I don't think I'd fare well with the news and politics section of this site 😖) So to begin w... » Continue Reading

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(CW-ish) combining the mrbeastify and matpatify plugins

Category: Blogging

Fair Warning: I didn't censor some words in the photos. View at your own risk. I guess once in your lifetime you've come across photos of people who have a strange chrome plugin installed. It's always either  the mrbeastify plu » Continue Reading

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weird dream #9: kevin/kenny the astronaut

Category: Dreams and the Supernatural

I don't remember when I've dreamt of this, but I'll still write it down before I start another dream... All I remember is that I got a "transmission" (there were no devices present 😰) from someplace 11 million miles/lightyears from here in space (approx. number: 11 896 013(-ish)). The "transmission" is a selfie of an astronaut named Kevin/Kenny in front of an actual image of the Milky Way. I find ... » Continue Reading

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weird dream #8: spicy gummies (they actually exist)

Category: Dreams and the Supernatural

I don't remember much of my dream, but the last part I do. I was eating a pack of assorted gummies. When I read the label, there are also spicy gummies  mixed in there. I guess that's when I woke up, but I can't remember as well. I did search it up, and sure enough, they exist. This is probably the second time that I dreamt of something that I didn't know existed , btuI guess the first one w » Continue Reading

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i'm glad moshi monsters is gone, i think

Category: Life

Sometime in 2009, I saw an ad on TV (most likely Nickelodeon) about Moshi Monsters, or what I'd like to call my earliest exposure to social media. If you don't know what Moshi Monsters is, it's this social website where you get to take care of your very own, well, Moshi Monster. This site is 10% virtual pet and 90% social media. The only virtual pet part is that you have to feed it. It's mostly so... » Continue Reading

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weid dream #7: borzoi(?) humans

Category: Dreams and the Supernatural

Okay, this dream concerns this site. I had a dream where I was writing a blog here about who the borzoi (I don't know if it wasn't the exact word) people are. In the dream, borzoi people are small white faceless human(oids) who appear in magic elevators to give you... food? I don't know if it was food, but it was something, I don't know if I ate it or not. » Continue Reading

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weird dream #6: how did it know!?

Category: Dreams and the Supernatural

This is probably the first time that I had a dream come true, but the downside is that I'm trying so hard to prevent it. Should I freak out? Ok, so the dream is that I was watching an "Ultimate Recap Cartoon" about Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (the Tim Burton one), and then I woke up.  I don't care that it was 3 am, but I quickly searched up if that exists. Apparently, it was a custom for me ... » Continue Reading

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dream #5: a love song

Category: Dreams and the Supernatural

I can't remember my dreams that vividly anymore, so some info will be incomplete or something... but hey, that's how dreams are, right? I had a dream where I am watching a lyric video (I don't know if it was fan made or not), of a love song, and in the end, it says, "Kyle, I love you". WHO TF IS KYLE!? Anyway, I think prt of the dream was me searching for that specific Kyle. » Continue Reading

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weird dream #4: what game

Category: Dreams and the Supernatural

I had a dream where everyone in the US somehow created the same game, and everyone is trying to copyright it. With each attempt for someone to copyright their game I think I heard battle music. The last thing I saw when I woke up is this very Tiktok audio (I don't do it anymore but don't ask how it go to my subconscious). I think they all lost, that's why they're playing it(? » Continue Reading

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