weird dream #10: the wall made of Bible

Okay, the dream is about a weird wall, a wall made out of Bible. I'm not sure if it's the Holy Bible, but it's a wall of text and the only text I saw was "The Beginning".

Then two more walls appear, and it looked like there's a character in a theater or something. The character isn't me.

Then somebody yelled, "A FOURTH WALL IS COMING!" and it was clear to me that the wall was invisible, because how can we see the character, a fourth wall is a performance convention, not a real wall!

Then another dream happened but all I remember from it was a guy chugging ketchup and throwing up afterwards.

I woke up very confused about the fourth wall, but what's slightly less confusing is the Bible Wall, because I'm an ex-Christian (long story) and atheist, so I don't believe in those sht anymore.

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