when i was a kid i had no friends because autistic people give neurotypicals the uncanny valley feeling, apparently. my mom always told me that some people just aren't going to like you and you have to live with that. my mom was also incredibly abusive, emotionally physically and sexually. i can remember being depressed and suicidal as far back as 6 even if i didn't know what suicide was at the ti... » Continue Reading
when i went to the doctor seeking a referral for a psych ward, and nowhere would take me, i had high hopes that increasing the dosage of my antipsychotic would help. it did help. it helped because i no longer have the willpower to want to kill myself. i'm tired, but i don't want to die. it helped because it gave me just enough care for my wellbeing to recognize that, if i didn't do the cooking and... » Continue Reading
had an amazing night last night. these past couple days have been awesome. i'm under a lot of pressure at home but when my sister's in town and we stay over with our (other) sister and all our friends it's always such a good time. banana cream moonshine mixed with a& » Continue Reading