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"it’s the end, the end of the century!"

film and music fanatic

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Category: Life

i am obsessed with paul dano but its like bad. i make my friends watch his interviews with me even though ive already seen them. and i know my friends don’t have an interest in paul dano. but i do. he is a cool guy haha um danonation for life hahaHahaha. i also got new glasses and they look cool. or something. love you » Continue Reading

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Category: Life

hey guys NiCK tea time. some girl i was a very good friend to in highschool who ended up starting countless rumors about me for absolutely so reason has been snooping on my socials. like at a certain point right before senior year she blocked me and then months later i found out all the shit she was saying. speak up girl, don’t just lurk. NiCK is a damn good friend and i treat people with respect,... » Continue Reading

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??triple post??

Category: Life

i posted a single blog entry and came back onto the site today and saw it was posted three times ?? okay then, sorry for whatever that was…lmao weird » Continue Reading

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silly brain moment (lolz)

Category: Music

ive been listening to the stuff i always do of course, but something in my brain decided a couple of days ago that my Bo Burnham phase was coming back. i guess i can’t say “coming back” because that sounds like it’s slowly being incorporated into my life again. no, it hit me head on, full blast. i have listened to maybe a few other things of course, but why Bo Burnham? it’s not like im complaining... » Continue Reading

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Category: Life

just a blurb but no, no i do not. me n this guy have been talking for a while though, and not just “wyd” dry shit. full conversations. texts that could be classified as a small paragraph. about interests in hobbies and food and music and anything and everything. ive never been the kind of person to be so flustered and giggly and shit over anything . its freaking me out a little, not gonna lie. but... » Continue Reading

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Besties with Evan Peters?!

Category: Life

Evan Peters is an incredible actor and I love his work. Also, his smile makes me smile n he seems really goofy. Him in his interviews? Iconic. I would definitely cry a little if I ever met him in real life. He deserves the world and I adore him. I don’t really know if he would like me personally but hey, uhhhh…yeah okay. I think I would love being around him, though. (here's one of my favourite pi... » Continue Reading

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Category: Life

not that anyone is gonna care all too much but i just need to vent, and none of my friends are listening. i have been really deep in depression again lately and have been extremely yknow what. i literally told one of my closest friends and she went “lmao me too” and continued talking about some fucking guy at work she likes. which is the only thing she ever talks about. i love my friends and they ... » Continue Reading

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Mayhem!!! (also im confused why people do this…)

Category: Life

< Mayhem 3 i don’t think this is necessarily weird, yet when i tell people i listen to black metal to calm down it’s always the same response of being in disbelief. maybe im an idiot, but i don’t see why they act that way…i don’t understand how meghan trainor and super bubbly shit calms them down but im not rude about it. you like your shit, let me enjoy mine. » Continue Reading

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ehh :/

Category: Life

ex boyf is craYYYZIE, not gonna lie…i cut things off because i wasn’t feeling great about him anymore and he keeps showing up to my house lmao. he’s not violent or anything, and we still just talk about stuff, but it’s like…i can see he still wants to be in a relationship with me. im talking to a guy already sooo idkkkk. shit’s cray ig. » Continue Reading

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Oops!!! lol

Category: Life

one of my twitter accounts finally got suspended. i wasn't even posting anything worth the suspension, but its all good lmao. just thought it was funny that after two years of having the account be active and the content of my posts remaining the same the whole time, twitter was finally like, "oops sorry". » Continue Reading

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Category: SpaceHey

yes, i switched up my profile layout. i adored my old one, but I was never one to keep things the same for too long. gotta switch it up sometimes. STAN STEVO » Continue Reading

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life is...

Category: Life

life is kinda crazy. not that that's any revelation. you lose friends, you gain friends, and sometimes you spend months alone without anyone to confide in. anyway. i have a good set of friends now, and recently the old feelings of being overly self-conscious and having low self-esteem have completely dissipated. at this point i am unbothered by everything and I am confident in myself enough to kin... » Continue Reading

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