I'm so mad at myself for not saving the multiple paragraphs I had earlier today on here about something that was bothering me earlier. And now I don't remember it and I'm not angry about it anymore. Go figure lmao. » Continue Reading
I did something petty forgetting that today is my mothers birthday. For context my mom and sperm donor are not on good terms. My dad (sperm donor), yells at my mother for the slightest inconvenience to him and she doesn't yell back. Well mostly anyways. She will on occasion if she's already handled enough and she just hits her breaking point. » Continue Reading
I will never understand how human beings cannot care for their own. Like how a mother can just leave her children in the care of someone else while she runs around doing who knows what with whoever. Or completely just abandon kids. So let me say this, please send me a message if you need a mom. I will gladly be your mama, or give you any kind of encouragement, anything you need. Please don't feel » Continue Reading
TLTR: My husband chooses to be the at home parent but doesn't actually do anything. So I, 24F am married to my husband, 30M and we have been married for 2 years. We had our beautiful daughter two years ago as well and she is super smart so she catches onto things pretty quickly for other kids her age. I currently work my dream job and the pay is alright. My husband on the other han » Continue Reading
I wish I didn't have a spending problem. I wish I was able to save money like a normal person and only buy the things we need to live for now until we move. I want to get over this so we can save money and live comfortably. Why is it so hard for me? I don't understand what it is in my brain that tells me spending all of our money is okay. I mean, I know its wrong. I feel it in my bones every time... » Continue Reading
I have so much I want to do in life. Sure, I'm a mom to a two year old and already married but damnit im only 24 years old. I want to travel and see the world but to be honest I have a spending problem. Whenever I have money I just spend it without thinking twice. Sure I get things we need and at the time i can rationalize it but then a week after I have to think if it really was worth it. Anyone ... » Continue Reading
Some of the people I work with are actually stupid, and that's putting it nicely. I will call them Steve because I don't want them to know in case this gets out for whatever reason. But all I was doing this morning while opening up the building was towels because our extra hands are children. Like 16 or 17 years old and don't actually care about the job because mommy and daddy are rich. That must ... » Continue Reading
This is so weird and fun at the same time. I can't believe "MySpace" is making a come back without actually being MySpace lol. Hopefully I can get a laptop and maybe be able to actually use this site for Blogging experience and a place to let out feelings without crying or screaming. Honestly, I just love typing. My nails are currently done so it's a little harder. But as a first day I'd say this » Continue Reading