I wish I didn't have a spending problem. I wish I was able to save money like a normal person and only buy the things we need to live for now until we move. I want to get over this so we can save money and live comfortably. Why is it so hard for me? I don't understand what it is in my brain that tells me spending all of our money is okay. I mean, I know its wrong. I feel it in my bones every time I pick something up that isn't on my shopping list. I need help and my husband refuses to help me. He knows I have a problem and still wont help the way I have asked him to help. I told him I need him to come with me to store, whatever store that is and to keep me on track on what we are getting so I don't get distracted with something else. And he either completely says no or just makes a cry baby scene because he doesn't want to go anywhere. I'm getting desperate and we are supposed to be moving by the end of the year. I'm freaking out and might have to get a second job to help save back some money. I need a saving's account that I can't get in touch of cause if I put back money and know where it is I'm going to spend it. Maybe I do just need a sugar daddy. LOL. Well, today's rant is over. #pleasehelp

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