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Category: Life

Virtual Diary Log 5

TLTR: My husband chooses to be the at home parent but doesn't actually do anything.

So I, 24F am married to my husband, 30M and we have been married for 2 years. We had our beautiful daughter two years ago as well and she is super smart so she catches onto things pretty quickly for other kids her age. I currently work my dream job and the pay is alright. My husband on the other hand used to work at a gas station but decided to quit because he was "tired of always fighting for a babysitter" due to our toxic parents always butting heads. 
Onto the situation, my husband is a slob. I know he is and I always feel like his personal maid whenever I get home from work. I don't mind picking up after our daughter cause she is too young to understand what's going on. I am teaching her to clean up after herself and she loves helping me clean too. Anyways, so he is currently the at home parent. Sadly because he literally does nothing but smoke cigarette's, watch YouTube on his phone, or play with our daughter for a few minutes before going to back to cigarette's, I'm stuck with doing the household chores on my off days or when I get home from work. I don't mind cleaning, its actually kind of like soothing for me but if I'm being honest, I would rather be doing something more important on my off days. 
So last night he made a comment to me about how I didn't clean dishes that had been left out for a few days and I how I promised I would do them and never did. I apologized but said that I could really use more help with the household chores. He didn't say anything and that just made me more mad so I went off on him about how he doesn't do anything all day when he knows that trash, dishes, and picking up after him and our daughter are a daily thing that needs to be done during the day. We even talked about getting our daughter potty trained and he still doesn't do that even when I asked him to do it since I'm not there all day. He got all heated and stated that after we had moved into the apartment (right after having our daughter) I didn't do anything either. So I quickly said that I wasn't suppose to be doing anything because I just had a baby and my doctor told me to be only taking care of me and baby. Still I got up and tried to do what I could since he was the only one working at that time. Doing so lead to me getting an infection in my c section cut and being bed ridden for even longer. 
Anyways, we are okay now, and our apartment is cleaned but I'm still upset about this and think I should bring it up again, but I really don't want to get into a fight. I mean if one person stays home and the other works, this isn't asking much right? 

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