Hi guy's! how are you? I'm not good yet I'm sick again... also I want to started to making edit yet but idk who exactly... hum bye! :DD » Continue Reading
Hi! I'm sorry for not posting some stuff I was dealing with some bs and stuff but now I am fine (for the moment...) so yeah about the whiteboard stuff I posted it on private on a discord server which people can join it tbh... (mutual only!) but yeah it still haunting me to saw these gross picture I hope I can forget so quickly ;;;; hum that's it ig ;;; bye! ^-^ » Continue Reading
Hi guy's, yesterday was the worst day to me... I never get it how it's happening so fast I was go to my whiteboards and these asshole who fucking putting spam picture of g0r3 and p0rn and and THEY ARE ALL REAL PICTURE OF REAL PEOPLE LIKE WHAT THE FUCK? If it's these weirdo people on Twitter istg that I'm gonna freak out they are just literally gross disgusting fuck you all I'm traumatized becaus » Continue Reading
I'm literally give up this is so hard to drawing my sona human oc... (I'm a beginner artist btw so-) my sona have a long curly hair and stuff but fucking bffr why it's always suck and shitty I'm done... 😔 » Continue Reading
Hi, how are you? it's my first time that I created a spacehey account but I never know that it's existed lol xD I'm new on there so I wish I don't have a problem ;;; it's hard to get strict parents even that they don't know I have social media accounts ;;; if they founded out they gonna probably kill me 😠I just wish they don't know after all the things... I've been through on the social media lik... » Continue Reading