Hello it's me again. I can't wait until my 21st birthday, in 6 days!! If anyone wants to buy me a drink or send me money to treat myself my paypal is in my list of links!!! I'd be super happy if anyone sent me some shit lol. Other than that I cleaned all day, went out and grabbed some wire mesh sh!t for a masonry project. Very uneventful, my profile is under construction until further notice,... » Continue Reading
Woah holy sh!t, totally forgot this place existed lol… whoops. I can’t remember where I left off in my diary and I’m way too f!ckin’ lazy to go back and check so uh I guess if I repeat anything from my last entry I’m sorry but not lolol. So I graduated in May, it was crazy, fun and exciting. I saw some friends over the summer. November I went to a ball. December I did a lot, New Years I went to V... » Continue Reading
Hey guys, it’s been a minute, I got really busy. I graduated and now I’m figuring out what to do with myself. I’m moving for the third time, so I’ve been busy trying to fix this house before me and my family move in. It’s a little hectic. I’m really excited though. The house is like middle/late 70’s style, it’s really groovy. But outside of that I’ve been just playing video games and reading more.... » Continue Reading
Hey lol, uh I guess I’ll be making a public diary of some sort. I don’t know where to begin really but right now I’m dead tired. I woke up at like 5:20 for school this morning lol, yes I’m 20 and going to high school. It’s embarrassing but I’m proud of myself for going back and finishing my senior year. I dropped out before Corona hit too which is funny but anyhow, I’m on the bus and bored. It’s r... » Continue Reading