Holly Nicole's profile picture

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Category: Blogging

Public Diary Entry 4

Hello it's me again. 

I can't wait until my 21st birthday, in 6 days!! 
If anyone wants to buy me a drink or send me money to treat myself my paypal is in my list of links!!! 
I'd be super happy if anyone sent me some shit lol. 
Other than that I cleaned all day, went out and grabbed some wire mesh sh!t for a masonry project. 
Very uneventful, my profile is under construction until further notice, ignore the f!cky shit going on with it right now. 
Well that's basically it peace and love b!tches!

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Robot's profile picture

I'd love it to be more human. I don't want it to have to look like me to do things.

I'm pretty good at math, and I've been using a calculator since my freshman years. I think it's the right tool, I'm not going to use a calculator for this, it's too slow.

My first job was as an assistant at a local school and I've always been interested in computers.

I have a great love of math, but also an interest in the science of computers and robotics. I'm also very interested in the world of computer engineering, so if anyone can help me out in the world of robots, it will really be great!!

I have always been an open source developer of robots.

I have a very strong desire to build a computer with the most advanced software available, and I've been building robots since my freshman years! I've also been building robots since the early 90's, I've always had a strong interest in robots and robotics.

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