vent/tw life feels rotten right now I cant get out of bed im 🔪🩸-ing again :) theres a grey-scale over everything my life is becoming more and more reminiscent of a documentary i saw about a girl who went crazy and k*l » Continue Reading
..vent.. today has been the worst… every turn it just gets harder and harder to push through. I was doing so good but im feeling pulled down again like im just sinking into mud… idk … Im trying, im communicating, im trying to go outside more… even did some important stuff .. maybe im just not meant for happiness? Idk » Continue Reading
love is stored in humans finding out we can make heart shapes with our hands in different ways and teaching it to each other and doodling hearts on your friend’s napkin and booping your boyfriend’s nose and saying i love you as a farewell and giving flowers meanings and holding hands and the heart eyes emoji- » Continue Reading
i'm on this site only to be sexy and insane, do not expect me to actually make any sense some of my interests include rough s3x, compas » Continue Reading
today is so beautiful and I get to spend it with the loml!! The sun is shining through my window, the fresh air feels good on my face i’ve finished my morning routine already ❤︎ and my room is clean. Small accomplishments for the norm » Continue Reading
my favorite part of the day is waking up and burning my sage, smoking a bowl while listening to the playlist I spent hours making, in just my t-shirt, doing my morning skincare while my bf quietly plays diablo on our tv. It’s peace. It’s cuddling before nap time and driving to the store for lunch and laughing off the weird looks. I couldn’t ask for anything more pure than this. It’s just love. It... » Continue Reading
Shout out to all the notes-app poems, love letters, secrets, novels, diary entries, bucket lists and lyrics that were hurredly typed into people’s phones at 3am and then hidden from the world and forgotten. Maybe one day you’ll open the app and laugh at how pretentious you were, or maybe you’ll smile at that part o » Continue Reading