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Currently watching- 11/26/22
Category: Blogging
Columbo He's so cool man I wish I could be that cool » Continue Reading
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— 4 Kudos
Category: Blogging
Columbo He's so cool man I wish I could be that cool » Continue Reading
— 2 Kudos
Category: Blogging
okokok ya'll know how like you definitely should be watching a show cause you get pressured to watch it all the time and have been told it's really good like you think "awh man this show sounds great i'll watch it as soon as I can!" and then you just never watch it? ...so American » Continue Reading
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Category: Blogging
DON'T HUG ME I'M SCARED WWWWOOOOOOO show good for brain very funky that show is such an acid trip im so happy it's out » Continue Reading
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Category: Blogging
like how tho? like I've dated one person and we were just like friends who I developed feelings for but like? how do people actively go on dates with people they don't know super well? that shit baffles me. People really go on like 5 dates with someone only to realize they've never liked them?? idk man that feels so awkward to me.. Update: lol nvm I'm apparently demi that's why » Continue Reading
Category: Books and Stories
Ya'll just ever read a book with a really sad ending and it's like soul destroying and you re read it outta boredom (and also you hate yourself) and there's foreshadowing to a character's death like?? very early in the story and you obviously didn't catch it the first time, but now it's very in your face and you're so caught off guard by it you audibly make a gasp-like noise and now people are loo... » Continue Reading