December 27, 2021 A Soul With Many Names *Salem* Sometimes sitting in silence and surrendering to my mind seems to be the most difficult task in the world. Allowing all the inner voices to flow, without judgement or fear, an almost insurmountable task. Yet, I find that as I reaquaint myself with my own voices...we reunite as one. I have worn many masks throughout my life, as we all do in our own... » Continue Reading
Captain's Log_Interim 3 Meta-Angel Ship Report from Prince Kedan, also known as the ShayDian rebel leader, Twitch Kedan. Time feels like more of an illusion than ever as I rocket through the depths of space. According to my ship, it's only the third solar interim since I left ShayDi. My mind is in turmoil, my heart is in what feels like a never-ending vice, a » Continue Reading
A long time from now, in a galaxy very close...Twitch Kid, an alien from the planet Shay'Di has crash landed on Earth in the year 2050. The Earth has always been a resilient planet. Throughout the ages, entire civilizations have risen, fallen, frozen, burned and melted. Inevitably, a new beginning approached the planet that over 7 billion humans call home...but for over 5 billion of them, this beg... » Continue Reading