"It was comforting to know I had fallen and could fall no farther" It's been 15 days. 15 days since I had fallen and couldn't fall farther. 15 days ago I reached the last layer of hell, physically I was in the hospital room. Being an ominous shadow among the sick. There mentally, I was at the very last layer of hell. Physically, I lay my head on a plastic chair, I smelled sickness and decay. Coug... » Continue Reading
on chapter 13 of the bell jar if i was a woman during the 1960s and saw a therapist for the same stuff im seeing a therapist for now, they'd force to me to do electroshock therapyyyy wiLD » Continue Reading
lets be virtual friends!! this is so fun, and this keeps me from doom scorlling. I am enjoying looking at everyones cool profiles. and seeing ppl explore their fun creative side » Continue Reading