Rhythmic Wave

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"Trying my best"

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Days At The Beach

Category: Writing and Poetry

Meu fogo is a clear day. The kind of day where there are no clouds in the sky, but the sun doesn't hurt your eyes. The kind of day where the ocean is clear enough you can see the baby fish riding along the waves that gently hug the shore. The kind of day that has birds coming down for lunch. The kind of day that nature chooses to be around you instead of fleei » Continue Reading

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If I Save Her I'll Never Exist(I'd Do It In A Heartbeat)

Category: Writing and Poetry

To chose my mother or myself is a choice I'd thought about since I was young. My response will always be the same: I'd choose her. If I could stop her from meeting that man, I'd try. I'd walk up to her, let the strangers stare at me on that college campus, gentle in my grip of her arm. I know I'd hesitate looking into those brown eyes. Seeing her bright red hair, vibrant without the grey hairs. Be... » Continue Reading

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The Start | Dakota 💕

Category: Blogging

Most of the time, when people (singlets and systems a like) speak upon discovering the existence of systems, of plurality, they mention a show, or movie, of some kind depicting negative stereotypes of DID, or system-hood. The natural stigma that exists against any neruodivergency, but especially ones that "make someone evil/abusive". We were about 10 years old. We can't seem to fully recall how or... » Continue Reading

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The Kitchen

Category: Writing and Poetry

I don't know if there was ever a moment in time where I had loved so deeply as I do now. I don't know if there was ever a time I cared so much. Not in the sense that I didn't care or didn't love. But in those emotions passed through me like water off a ducks back. Where people would walk in on my life and I stopped caring if they walked out. Passing though with no more thoughts or emotions to add.... » Continue Reading

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