Most of the time, when people (singlets and systems a like) speak upon discovering the existence of systems, of plurality, they mention a show, or movie, of some kind depicting negative stereotypes of DID, or system-hood. The natural stigma that exists against any neruodivergency, but especially ones that "make someone evil/abusive". We were about 10 years old. We can't seem to fully recall how or... » Continue Reading
I don't know if there was ever a moment in time where I had loved so deeply as I do now. I don't know if there was ever a time I cared so much. Not in the sense that I didn't care or didn't love. But in those emotions passed through me like water off a ducks back. Where people would walk in on my life and I stopped caring if they walked out. Passing though with no more thoughts or emotions to add.... » Continue Reading