"Playing Bowsers Inside Story"
Anxious little ghost, Big anime fan
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Gonna be working all day Christmas
Category: Jobs, Work, Careers
I haven't celebrated Christmas since I was a kid so I don't really mind but this double shift I'm working on Christmas is on top of two more double shifts I have to work that week. What a pain. At least the extra cash is nice » Continue Reading
I'm just now realizing that this site is 90% teens
Category: SpaceHey
I saw a post saying how there were too many old people on this site which I thought was weird because most of the time a click on a profile that list their age it was in their teens. So I got curious and decided to confirm what the actual age of the most active users were I decided to take a quick sample size and look though 50 profiles in the active user section to see how many were older then 20... » Continue Reading
Choosing a layout is hard
Category: Web, HTML, Tech
I swear I have the hardest time deciding on a layout to use. I think I've gone through 5 or so for my profile in the past few days 'cause it's so hard to choose. All of them are cool but none of them are quite what I'm looking for. But then again I'm still not entirely sure what I'm looking for either. I'm also too lazy / don't have the time to learn html so I'm just going throuh what others have ... » Continue Reading
First blog
Category: Blogging
First blog. Not sure how often I'll be posting blogs but I figured I might as well make at least one and see if I make anymore. Decided to give social media another shot because why not? I didn't wanna touch Facebook or Twitter with a ten foot pole and I like the customizability and lack of tracking for ads of this site so here I am. I'm not expecting much out of me using this site I'm just seeing... » Continue Reading