Category: Life
maybe it wont be bad for long and maybe i overdramatizet things a lot but sometimes it just gets to be too much we'll make it out alive though » Continue Reading
"adventure time :3"
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Category: Life
maybe it wont be bad for long and maybe i overdramatizet things a lot but sometimes it just gets to be too much we'll make it out alive though » Continue Reading
Category: Jobs, Work, Careers
why is it so hard to find a job ive applied EVERYWHERE!!! HIRE ME!!!! I NEED EXPERIENCE PLEASE ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ » Continue Reading
Category: Blogging
this is probably like so stupid to think about and im gonna get over it in a few weeks but its just gonna come back later, i dont understand why everything always works out for peopl that get stuff handed to them all the time but whenever i am pushing myself to work hardr and do more shit always ends up wrong this is so stupid nvm » Continue Reading