i deleted my last entry. i do in fact still love ellie, but i dont like him anymore. he’s cruel. he’s been lying to me for weeks, sleeping with me without telling me that he was seeing another girl. they’ve been meeting up every weekend. if i knew, i wouldnt have let him touch me. i wish i never let him touch me. right after i found out he’s been seeing her all this time, he also confessed to havi... » Continue Reading
my ** and i have been 88 and 888 for 2 years. yesterday, we’re n*k** in b8d together listening to the most beautiful ear sex music on a shitty cd player that 88***888*8************* just tal**!! and it goes on for hours. truly a core memory. but then they just drop the news that they’re *****88 to someone newand i’m just **88** anyways *88** *8** *88** *888* **** “**** **88** **** going to be the... » Continue Reading
i made a new friend. shes one of the most beautiful women ive ever met, inside and out i think. i love the way she thinks, and all of her interests, hobbies, and flaws. ive been so excited to be getting to know her, but i doubt it will continue much longer. penis people ruin everything. #heartbroken » Continue Reading