I keep thinking about the cybertrucks I saw on the road a few months ago, I guess. I just keep thinking about the fact that, they're so fugly looking. It's just... one of those things you KNOW shouldn't exist, yet it does Like I'm sorry but if you drive one of those things, you deserved to be keyed for the sin you brought. » Continue Reading
Introduction Heya! The names Alpha or Wyvern ! I'm yer average 20-year-old who role-plays as an android cat girl(woman??) on Twitch! My pronouns are she/her & they/them, but anything works lmao. I'm horrible at social interactions in real life and at » Continue Reading
Okay, so for those that don't know what I'm talking about, it's Ink!Sans , anyway, I don't know why but I am gravitated to this asshole. Like he consumes, 90% of my thoughts & I'm not even pissed about it since he's a fun character to play around with!! Maybe it's due to that fact he's a relatable character for me or maybe it's how he's a major hypocrite with how » Continue Reading
I remember there was an argument while back about those backpacks with leashes on them for like generally young/small children and how they would be considered "weird" But like, children can be fucking runners' man and on top of that, it prevents 'em being taken by strangers? Also, they can be somewhat independent where they can explore in range » Continue Reading