I keep thinking about the cybertrucks I saw on the road a few months ago, I guess. I just keep thinking about the fact that, they're so fugly looking. It's just... one of those things you KNOW shouldn't exist, yet it does
Like I'm sorry but if you drive one of those things, you deserved to be keyed for the sin you brought.
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They're built like shit too, the sheer amount of vids i've seen of Cyber trucks rusting/falling apart on the road is insane
Wait, I thought they weren't rustable?? Isn't that one of the advertised things about them?
by AlphaTheChaotix; ; Report
It's only resistant to rust technically speaking, exposure to the elements can and will eventually develop rust on it's surface - it'll just take a longer time than if the entire car was made of iron or something
by Digivox; ; Report