Okay, so for those that don't know what I'm talking about, it's Ink!Sans, anyway, I don't know why but I am gravitated to this asshole. Like he consumes, 90% of my thoughts & I'm not even pissed about it since he's a fun character to play around with!! Maybe it's due to that fact he's a relatable character for me or maybe it's how he's a major hypocrite with how he views everyone else as a character except for him even though he is a character too!
I also like how much you can play around with him, like since he comes from an abandoned/unfinished AU, would he lack codes?? From lacking codes, would he be physically silence, where he'd have no footsteps, or maybe would he have no shadows? Unlike those who come from finished AU's do? With his vials, do they have multiple meanings, like red would not only meaning be anger but also passion too, or were green not only is bittersweet but jealously too? Maybe disgust as well?
Anyways that's all! Sorry for the short read, but I just had to get some of it out of my system!
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