intro of nathan k. Greetings, I am the blogger of this blog that blogs on this website (me below) I am a canadian teenager year old loser/nerd with a badly concealed need of a coming-of-age/teenage plot in my life. Or learning the electric guitar. I'd love to learn the electric guitar. Please let me learn the electric guita » Continue Reading
Choose three different media texts you couldn’t live without and explain why. (I am answering this question un-logistically as the only media that actually would work is either old or a book) Currently, I would say my top three specific medias are: 1.The entire discography of The Descendents and S[X]x Bob-Omb + Black Sheep (I'm counting this as one because I said so) Why? I'm like really hearting ... » Continue Reading
What is your online presence? What apps do you use and for what? I don't think I'm horrendously online, but I am do mindlessly scroll when nothing else seems interesting. I have three accounts I post art on, an Instagram, Tumblr and a Tiktok account. As well as a personal Instagram account. I don't post often, and certainly not as often as I used to. I used to feel the n » Continue Reading
2) What are your thoughts on pop culture today? I think modern popular culture is in a weird place, as I see progress with a lot of things the past didn't get to. Women's voices are more heard and BIPOCs are getting more recognition as well as MOGAI people slowly being more accepted with many disabilities, mental and physical disorders being less stigmatized and more talked about. Even women's hea... » Continue Reading