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Category: Blogging

Intro to ME !1!11

intro of nathan k.

Greetings, I am the blogger of this blog that blogs on this website (me below)

I am a canadian teenager year old loser/nerd with a badly concealed need of a coming-of-age/teenage plot in my life. Or learning the electric guitar. I'd love to learn the electric guitar. Please let me learn the electric guitar.

I like wasting my time in a cool but still unproductive way. I dream to be a film bro but to not be the regular image of what a film bro may be, but still acquire the knowledge of one ("not like other guys" alert)

I am unfortunately an artist and started my drawing journey seriously from sunday september 23rd, 2018. I try my best to enjoy it these days but my ideas usually stay in my head now, along with my OC stories. Yes, I have original characters and an attempted fleshing out of their stories and everything else that happens but I am so endlessly lazy so a lot of things live in my brain with rent due, hoping one day I'll be able to put it like...anywhere else lol


questions down below, I'll answer if I want
send recs for movies or books or shows or music. im open to almost anything

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