What is your online presence? What apps do you use and for what?
I don't think I'm horrendously online, but I am do mindlessly scroll when nothing else seems interesting. I have three accounts I post art on, an Instagram, Tumblr and a Tiktok account. As well as a personal Instagram account. I don't post often, and certainly not as often as I used to. I used to feel the need to consistently and constantly post, put out as much as I could, as well as text as many people and not leaving a single person on delivered for too long. But lately I don't care as much, or at all honestly. I don't feel that urge to constantly be online and have been needing my alone time so, so, so much more. Maybe it's a good thing. I'm getting into longer form content compared to before (though I still can't read without pictures (yet)), I hope this cleanse/no-one-talk-to-me-at-all phase will do me some good. Maybe I'll get into blogging for serious and draw more like I used to. Who knows...
What do you like about social media?
I'm not sure, there's no single answer -or I guess feeling- I can put for this. I like that I can talk to anyone anywhere at anytime. A lot of my early connections are digital, primarily because of the pandemic, but I was also able to keep friendships of mine before that because of social media helping up keep in touch. I'm able to know how my friends are doing even if we may not be talking at that moment, checking their stories, statuses/notes, posts and what not so when I'm not in the mood to talk (which is almost everyday now) I can still check up and leave hearts so they still know I'm alive and in fact do not hate them.
Also because of the anywhere-anyone-anytime function, it's much easier to find people that have similar/ the same interests as you, finding your community digitally where you may have not in real life. I was able to find people I'm still friends with because we happened to read the same web comic or listen to the same artist and what not and it's life changing. I would've been such a big shy, loner, directionless loser if I never found the people I did when I was sad, fat and 12. I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was 12. I mean, does anyone?
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