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Category: Quiz/Survey

First Blog Questions; Question 2

2) What are your thoughts on pop culture today?

I think modern popular culture is in a weird place, as I see progress with a lot of things the past didn't get to. Women's voices are more heard and BIPOCs are getting more recognition as well as MOGAI people slowly being more accepted with many disabilities, mental and physical disorders being less stigmatized and more talked about. Even women's health is finally getting awareness with researchers putting female volunteers in experiments compared to only male as it had been for decades and on. This "speak-up" mindset is a great thing about pop culture today and -thought little- is finally showing results in bigger places such as the amount of female directors has risen from less than 6% to 26% by 2022 in Hollywood and older (40+) female actors starting to get more acting jobs, as a few popular movies recently have older women leads which is pretty cool. The notion of female actors aging out and male actors being able to act until they're 70+ is ever so slowly fading, but fading nevertheless. This change for marginalized groups is crazy awesome to see and I hope it continues.

HOWEVER... the spike of close-mindedness in teens and the anti-intellectual mindset engrossing young people is very scary. I see tons of teenagers and young adults trolling anyone with a deeper interpretation of something referencing the infamous tumblr quote "maybe the curtains were just blue because the author liked blue" in context to English teachers over-analyzing literature work, carrying that "it's not that deep" mindset to everything which is hurting a lot of works. Shanspeare has a great video about this I watched a while back that might help on the topic. However, seeing teens not deeply examine is nothing new, but to the level of completely deny the notion of even thinking of anything beyond surface level is quite alarming, and I think it might relate to the spike of right-winged teenagers is, which is:

1. Surprising

2. Concerning?

Young people have always been the progressive mindset of society, even the Baby Boom generation we may laugh at for being old and close-minded once thought just like us, expressing their disdain of their parents' narrow views. So many sub-cultures, music, fashion, rebellions have always had the face of the young generation, so seeing so many of them leaning to the side their parents or some estranged uncle are is -at the very least- personally concerning. If teenagers aren't questioning their elders, who is? Who leads the uprisings and revolts against authorities and "sticking it to The Man", experimenting with new articles of clothing, music styles, hair and life if the teenagers are acting and thinking just like their parents? As worrisome as it sounds, I can't undermine the efforts of all the other young people that make it their every step in life to do everything but conform. The ones that are bringing back punk and alternative styles, protesting, not shying away from uncomfortable topics and so much more. There are tons of others that have the true spirit of being a teenager imbedded into their core, to be everything but the expected. So while the political shift in the younger generation is definitely distressing, there are countless others doing the exact opposite, grotty and proud.

Juno (2007)
this is Elliot Page and Michael Cera

What is the best/worst thing about being a teen today? Is there a different era of pop culture that resonates with you more (i.e., 1990s grunge music scene)

Something I love being about a teen today is the access I have to so many things from decades beyond my birth. Being able to go on Tiktok and see pictures some guy took with his pocket camera in the 1890s then the latest microtrend next scroll, it's amazing what technology can do these days. I love going on Netflix to watch some ridiculously foul mouthed British tv show movie from the 2000s I had no knowledge of prior and enjoy myself despite the amount of unclothed phalluses were shown (not a big fan of those jokes). I think it's wonderful how many options people in this day and age.

Something I hate about being a teen today is I cannot do anything or go anywhere. There are absolutely no third or recreational places for teenagers and it fricking sucks. As much as nature is totally cool and awesome, I want to go to an arcade and not need my DAD or MOM there???? WHY IS IT SO EXPENSIVE??? AND FAR AWAY???? The most fun thing we can even do is walk around in a forest or walk to some abandoned building an hour and 12 minutes away. Why do I need a car to go places and a job to be able to do stuff in said places??? My friends go to grocery stores for fun because bowling is like $40 per person. No wonder teenagers were loitering in parking lots and gas stations in the 2000s, BUT THAT'S ILLEGAL TOO!!!! No place to be a teen but online which is super suck-y and not cool in the slightest. I like the sun, let it like me too... 

Is there a different era of pop culture that resonates with you more (i.e., 1990s grunge music scene)

Not really, no. As much as I like media and fashion from the 2000s the insanely unjustified fat shaming of perfectly normal bodies as well as a bit behind social awareness -ie. Scott Pilgrim V.S. The World swear words being bleeped out but the R slur is untouched- is not great. Unfortunately many teens still use slurs they cannot say whether it's knowingly or not but I think it's less accepted comparatively now to then. 

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