DNI IF: Ur gonna be weird :p Ur pro life Ur gonna hit on me (I'm a m1n0r and I also have a bf ^^) Ur homophobic, racist, sexist, ect. (You get the idea) Ur way over your early 20s (Again, even if I'm 17, I'm still a m1n0r. Don't be a creep.) Feel free to interact and even message me if ur a kind soul j » Continue Reading
This is to anyone who's burnt out; whether this be because of school, college, work, or anything else that they have going on in their lives. You're not alone. You are enough. And I know you're trying your best. Don't feel guilty if you feel like not putting all your energy into something. You deserve a break. » Continue Reading
Me :3 (tell me if the l1nk works. It's safe /srs) Hello !!:] I decided, since I'm new here, that I should introduce myself. And what better way to do that than posting a blog? ^ » Continue Reading
Some homophobic fucks were lit throwing bottles at us during break >:[ (I'm a senior in highschool :3.) And we weren't even dressed like the cunts we are. We were wearing normal clothes bro •-•. There is too much hatred in society, how can you bark at me and call me emo when I'm LITERALLY DRESSED THE SAME WAY AS YOUR EX-GIRLFRIEND. -.- Anyone else have the same problem? :/ » Continue Reading