Motherly love?
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Genuinely curious what it is like to experience a mother’s love. » Continue Reading
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Category: Blogging
Genuinely curious what it is like to experience a mother’s love. » Continue Reading
Category: Blogging
In school you are asked what you wanna be when you grow up or what are some of your wishes/dreams. I never had an answer to it because at the time it seemed unattainable. I felt like I was a loser all throughout high school because I was the only person without a dream or an aspiration in life. The only thing I have ever wanted was to travel the world. I grew up in poverty so I never told anyone t... » Continue Reading
Category: Blogging
It’s hard to not feel lonely when I’m always alone during the holidays. I don’t think I’ll even know how to behave once I have a family to celebrate with. What are the social norms for holidays? » Continue Reading
Category: Blogging
I wish an alien would take over my body. It can take over my life and live however. I just don’t want to be here anymore. » Continue Reading
Category: Blogging
I smelt your cologne for the first time while in an elevator. The lingering smell. I don’t even know why but my eyes filled up with tears. It was the scent you wore specifically for me because I told you countless times it was my favorite. I didn’t even know I would react that way if I smelled it again. I hope I could smell it and call it my favorite again someday » Continue Reading
Category: Blogging
I was watching a TikTok that was a poem. It was saying how a girl feels out of place and wishing for someone to call her home. I always hated that word "home". I have had to write what I call home so many times, "what is home to me?". When others would write about it they would mention their family. I always answered the same, home is wherever I am with my cat. I had to learn to find home within m... » Continue Reading
Category: Blogging
The Christmas lights are going up already at school. I spent that huge event with you every year. This is weird » Continue Reading
Category: Blogging
Update. My ex and his ex (the girl he cheated on me with), lets call him jake and her Ashley. I found out Jake's little outburst was because him and Ashley got back together. Now idc that they're back together and idc that we aren't friends but let me say why i'm upset. Jake and I have a long history and complicated past so that can be told another day. I am going to talk about recent events. When... » Continue Reading
Category: Blogging
I think my ex's ex is cursing me somehow. I had a dream that she sent/hired assassins to come kill me and my friends because she found out my ex and i became friends again. When i woke up, i had a headache and felt a pit in my stomach. While walking i dropped my phone and now it wont turn on at all. THEN today my ex messaged me telling me that he doesnt want anything to do with me because of what ... » Continue Reading
Category: Blogging
Just bought some kpop albums, alcohol, and food. I am now broke. Please spare change » Continue Reading
Category: Blogging
Am i the only one who sees the "cancel culture" as idiotic??? » Continue Reading