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Update. My ex and his ex (the girl he cheated on me with), lets call him jake and her Ashley. I found out Jake's little outburst was because him and Ashley got back together. Now idc that they're back together and idc that we aren't friends but let me say why i'm upset. Jake and I have a long history and complicated past so that can be told another day. I am going to talk about recent events. When Jake and I broke up last December, he started dating Ashley a week later. They were dating for months, idk how long, then they broke up around August. Jake and I are apart of an old friend group, which this friend group has plans to hang again because one of our mutual friends was in town. Fast forward to the hang out, everything is going good, I am keeping my distance from him out of respect for his relationship, the respect she didn't have for ours. I see that he is trying to be nice and be friends so I reciprocate the friendly energy. Later on that night I find out him and Ashley have broken up. Then the next day comes and he's hanging with the friend who is in town one on one, let's call him Ricky. Ricky, Jake, and I are the original start of the friend group so after an hour or two of just them hanging, they invite me out with them two. Then later we meet up with the others. After hanging, Ricky has to go back to his town. I message Jake asking if he wanted to drink and play games, he said yes. While we are playing I ask all the questions I want to know the answers to. Later he brings up the fact that Ricky and him talked about me. I never thought they would only because I thought the topic of me was irrelevant. He then dares me to ask Ricky what was said. I am thinking "oh Jake wants to be friends again". Let's just skip to when Jake tells me what was said. Basically Jake confesses to me that he never really got over me, how he thinks about me all the time and how even when he is 60 he will still think about me. He tells me that there was a point in time that I had him wrapped around my finger and that I could ask him to do anything and he will do it. He tells me that Ricky tells him "oh you still like her?" and he then tells me that he replied to Ricky with, "nah 'like' is understatement". He goes on to tell me how he thought it would be easier for him for me to hate him than for him to be "wrapped around my finger" because he was scared (he admitted he was being cowardly). Then goes on to tell me that he thought the best way to get me to hate him was to date Ashley. Backstory with him and Ashley: they went to high school together, they were in a best friend trio together, she liked him some point in high school. I knew all this. Going back now, he is saying that he thought that was the best way. So he starts dating her. I then ask, "if that's the case, why did you date her for so long?" and he replies with "I wanted to make it believable". When he told me this the first thing that came to my mind was "if this is true, I feel so much pain for Ashley. She most likely was giving you love and 100% and you were dating her to get me to hate you". Tears were filling up in my eyes because the girl he hurt was upset with how late he was with telling me all of this. I already was far moved on from him. I wanted nothing more than for him to come knocking on my door and to tell me all of this in the first three months of us breaking up. But he didn't. Instead I had to see him post her all the time. I don't say anything to him. I'm also thinking "I can't reply to him without a sober mind". I decided that night that I was going to see if what he was telling was the truth and see if his feelings were real. I decided to act lovey dovey with him to see if he would reciprocate it (he NEVER posted me, complimented me, or acted lovey dovey with me in the relationship). He didn't. He acted the same way he did when we were together. Treated me like I was nothing. That Friday, before everyone moved back in, I asked "what are you wanting with us exactly?" he then replies with "idk *my name* honestly, I just want to take it day by day. I obviously need to work on myself... blah blah blah". I reply to that telling him "I just want to let this out, I don't want a romantic relationship with you and I'm sorry but I don't believe you. You probably really liked Ashley but don't use my pain and feelings just because you and her aren't together anymore." I also say "If you are telling the truth, then that's worse. You would rather hurt the one you love than be with them. Let me tell you the pain you caused, you didn't just hurt me. You destroyed me. I spent all of Christmas breaking and trying to pick up the pieces all by myself. I was crying myself to sleep and I would wake up crying. I had swollen, blood shot eyes because I cried so much. I didn't eat or drink anything. I had to change my whole mindset in order to pick myself up. I know this sounds like a cliche, but that girl who you dated is gone. I will never be her again because you destroyed everything she believed about love." He apologized sincerely. Now, I'm the type of person to move past things if an apology is said. I wanted to try to be friends with him and so we did try that. Fast forward to two days ago. When i woke up to a message from him saying "did you text Ashley?" and I said "no?" and then told him that I was going to leave soon to try to get my phone fixed so I can't reply until I get home. When I got home I saw he messaged back saying I did something. He blocked me on everything and wouldn't let me talk to him. Let me put what he said. "Don't worry about replying. Idc you did/said something, you sent a ss to someone, idc you did something involving another person. Everything I have said is no longer applicable. I mean EVERYTHING. I no longer trust anything dealing with you. Anything you say will fall on deaf ears." I'm crazy and I don't like how I'm being accused of something I didn't do. So I wait by his truck until he has to leave for practice to ask. He didn't tell me anything. So later that day I used my friend's phone and he tells me "you did/said/posted something that exposed me. I honestly want nothing to do with you anymore", I DID NOTHING. I'm thinking this whole thing is fishy, so I went to Ashley's Instagram page and see she is posting things that are more lovey dovey so I ask my friend to see if Jake and Ashley are following each other. They are. Then everything makes sense. He did all of this because he's immature. Instead of coming to me and saying "we can no longer be friends because I am dating Ashley again" he did all of this. He wanted to take it back so that its no longer something I have "against" him. Now that he is dating her again. Now, again, I'm not hurt or sad because he's dating her again and I'm not hurt or sad because we aren't friends anymore, I'm hurt/upset because he really didn't mean his confession. I've told him before that I never had anyone be in love with me. That all I really want is to experience that kind of love. I knew in my gut that the confession was a lie, but DAMN I wanted to believe it so much. Even if I didn't feel the same way, I wanted to believe that it was possible for someone to love me the way I wanted to be loved. That's why I'm hurt  

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notspookypip's profile picture

Jfc dawg I don't think he genuinely loves you. That looks like obsession. We wants attention and having power over another person. You too must understand this: You cannot consciously hurt someone you're supposedly in love with. I understand you seem like a reasonable person (I would not fcking respect him after the cheating but I guess that's your choice), you can be friendly and courteous with him, but for the love of god never give him a moment of your personal time again. Set a boundary, set a distance. If he ever thinks of starting up his "wrapped around your finger shpiel", cut him off and don't allow him to go there. Jesus christ.

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