Do you guys also have roblox games that give so SO much ANGER.. i swear there is this one game on roblox called "baddies" and ive never raged that much in my life before... What's your guyses rage game on roblox that you play? » Continue Reading
I recently joined this website and i went today on the blog section and why are people talking about how its not like how it was before and that people are saying slurs? Can someone tell me whats going on so i can keep a lookout :sob: » Continue Reading
Ive devouded my life to life is strange that is lowkey getting insane !!. I made a playlist on spotify with songs that feels like im in "life is strange" in my opinion i feel like a mc :sob: I mean it sounds kinda weird but? who are we to judge like... anyways. Do you guys have any songs and reccomendations that feels like a "life is strange" song or soundtrack? » Continue Reading