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Category: SpaceHey

Whats going on with "spacehey"

I recently joined this website and i went today on the blog section and why are people talking about how its not like how it was before and that people are saying slurs?

Can someone tell me whats going on so i can keep a lookout :sob:

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ech0gek0's profile picture

this website can be a bit of a mixed bag sometimes bc theres a group of ppl who just come to the website because its not monitored as much as twitter, reddit. at best, they just talk shit about some of the things (particularly younger people) do that are "annoying". at worst they post gore for fun and to see users reactions. the gore isnt nearly as bad as it was at the start of this year, so dont worry
just stick to looking at recent blogs and im sure youll be fine! at least i am and ive been using spacehey for over a year now

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alright!! tysmmm

by Ari; ; Report