1. Haruhi dressing room scene This scene awoke things in my 9 year old self that have stuck with me to this day. 2. Mulan bathing scene How did my parents watch me play this scene over and over every time I watched Mulan and not suspect anything? 3. Offi » Continue Reading
specifically ppl between the ages of 17 and 21. 99% of the people those ages that I see on here are ALWAYS bitching in their blogs abt the most unimportant things. tell me why I've seen multiple grown adults throw hissy fits abt ppl putting dni lists on their profiles? and why am I always seeing 17 and 18 year olds going "It's always the 13-15 year olds that wanna seem edgy" as if that wasn't them... » Continue Reading
Rebirth. If I pull out my intestines and sew them back in, can I be reborn? If I pull off my skin and burn it, will I be free of my sins? Will I be forgiven? Can God forgive me? Does God love me? If I take out my brain and wash it with soap, will God love me? If I become pure again, will he answer my calls? Will God protect me? When I beg for him, will he come? Will he save me? Can God save me? » Continue Reading