specifically ppl between the ages of 17 and 21. 99% of the people those ages that I see on here are ALWAYS bitching in their blogs abt the most unimportant things. tell me why I've seen multiple grown adults throw hissy fits abt ppl putting dni lists on their profiles? and why am I always seeing 17 and 18 year olds going "It's always the 13-15 year olds that wanna seem edgy" as if that wasn't them 2 years ago? and its so hypocritical too bcuz they complain abt kids being edgy, meanwhile when someone comments on their profile something like, "I LOVE UR PROFILE SM" they always respond with some shit like, "Thanks, I guess." BRO YOU DONT HAVE TO TRY AND BE MYSTERIOUS JUST RESPOND WITH EQUAL ENERGY. also I feel like if there's any place for a teenager to be an edgelord online, ITS HERE. WHY R PPL COMPLAINING ABT TEENAGERS BEING TEENAGERS!??! I get rlly pissed off when I see 18 year olds with that 'holier than thou' attitude because they think they've gained the wisdom of the world since they turned 16. and obviously ppl are gonna vent and rant on here but why do some of these ppl have nothing better to do than rave abt 14 year olds saying they're "neet-pilled" on the internet? teenagers have been saying shit like that since the dawn of the internet, why are people still so upset by it? theres so much potential for fun and happiness on the internet, why stay so caught up on these little things that don't hurt anyone? blog abt your interests or hobbies. play a video game. HAVE FUN. the world will keep spinning if some teenager calls themselves scenecore instead of scene. just brush it off and consume what makes you happy bro. alright, rant over.
also ik the grammer and punctuation is horrible, its just cuz I typed this rlly fast.
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