It's that time of the month again. Crying, bl33ding, wishing I could not be a woman for 3 days. At least I actually get mine though. Some girls aren't as fortunate and end up "late". Even girls my age are getting their shit fondled or wtevr. But, that's not the point. The point is it feels like hell but i rather be in hell than be having to well, not be. P.S I don't care what you wanna do with yo... » Continue Reading
My day's been kind of shitty so far. I havnt gotten a text from K at all and im sort of worried. He's probably gonna come back soon though. I've been texting D while i wait. We havnt really gotten many chances to talk recently so i think right now is a good time to. Plus I need the company. I'm just scared Anyways bye, probably going to update later! xoxo~ » Continue Reading
lately I've been thinking about my life more. Being a teenage girl is a whole rollercoaster in itself. I'm only 14 and I feel like I've already experienced so much. What more is there to do? And why do I even do all this? It's kind of sad to think that not everyone gets to experience some things that i have. Going to the mall with my friends every few weeks, Getting snacks from the food court with... » Continue Reading
Welcome to my blog. This is for gossiping, journaling and anything else you could possibly think of. So far the day's been bland. Might update later » Continue Reading