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Mood: she cut the veins so that the wires would fit all over her body

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Category: Blogging

What is it w people and saying the n-word. Like in what universe do you think you're interesting if you say it. I never understood the problem with it when I was younger until I saw how it affected people around me. I am so sorry but like you just sound like some stupid 12yr old edgy teen trying to be interesting, blurting out sth you don't even know the meaning to. You think you're being funny wh... » Continue Reading

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just thoughts

Category: Blogging

Life is so ass lately there's this guy I like but we don't live in the same country and I said to my friends that I would tell him about my feelings this weekend but I honestly don't want to. I mean I don't feel the need to. I'll just get rejected and life will move on as per usual. I don't think people really care for long distance lately, I don't mind it much because if I like a pers » Continue Reading

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I don't want to be friends with people younger than me

Category: Blogging

Hey I should've probably done this sooner. But because I had never used this site before I just kinda added people left and right because I genuinely just wanted to get to know the site and make friends. But I will say, if you are younger than 18 I don't want to be friends with you. Not because you're lame or I think just because you're young you're boring, but it's really just because of the age.... » Continue Reading

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Category: Blogging

I'm so bored it's actually scary. Like unless I'm doing something stupid like gaming or scrolling, I just sit and watch a show or I get so deep in thought it makes me spiral through shit that happened years ago.  Boredom is literally so annoying. No matter what I do, I'm still bored and it's actually annoying.  I'm currently watching Dexter the show, since I never have before and I like it but bec... » Continue Reading

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Toxic people

Category: Friends

It took me a while to realize it but toxic people don't fucking change and they never will. You could literally feed them a spoon of rights and wrongs and they would still only taste what is wrong. Someone I knew for 3 years was a complete ass to me and only recently did I decide to sever ties with them. I believed for so long that they would change. That surely they couldn't be a bad » Continue Reading

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