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‘06 Gyaru

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DIYing clothes and why it has stopped

Category: Fashion, Style, Shopping

Hey there! It’s Kai again and I wanna talk about one of my peeves which is how DIYing isn’t being used for fashion as much in the past due to shopping becoming more accessible and cheaper due to fast fashion such as SHIEN. This blog will go in order of Why have people stopped DIYing in fashion , The stigma around it, Why DIY is crucial to certain fashion cultures, Why we should start DIYing in fas... » Continue Reading

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Gyaru progression and improvement!

Category: Fashion, Style, Shopping

Hello! I’m making this blog post to show my progression in gyaru fashion and my improvement! Without further ado, let’s go into my progression! May 27th, 2023 This was my first ever gyaru outfit that I wore to school and as you c » Continue Reading

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My gyaru life so far!

Category: Fashion, Style, Shopping

Hallo! Im kai and I’ve been a Ko-gyaru for about a year now and I mostly focus and dress on the tsuyome subculture as it’s so cool and pretty!  My journey as a gal has been a bit tricky due to my mom being so weird about the eye makeup, but she eventually warmed up to it which is cool! I started as a gal by dressing up at school in toned down gyaru to build up my confidence a bit (I have social an... » Continue Reading

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