Gyaru progression and improvement!

Hello! I’m making this blog post to show my progression in gyaru fashion and my improvement!

Without further ado, let’s go into my progression!

May 27th, 2023

May 27, 2023

This was my first ever gyaru outfit that I wore to school and as you can see, it’s not the best gyaru example but we all start somewhere! As you can see I didn’t really do much reaserch before delving in but in my next outfit I did!

June 1st, 2023

June 1st, 2023

As you can see in this gyaru outfit I learnt more about the different gyaru subcultures and this as my first ever tsuyome outfit! I improved a lot more with this one, this is the second gyaru outfit I wore to school and as you can see my nose is blended out due to my mom not liking it and forcing me to blend it out (T_T)

June 3rd, 2023

June 3rd, 2023

This was the third outfit I wore to school and I attempted to make the droops more noticeable by making them white (big mistake T~T) and once again It’s a tsuyome outfit! 

September 1st, 2023

September 1st, 2023

I once again wore this gal inspired outfit to school for a pep rally I was a part of and I was supposed to dress like a doll with defined features in the face to look noticeable from far away and what better chance for gyaru makeup than this! (Once again the white under eye highlight is there, I didn’t learn my lesson until later (~_~;) )

December 10th, 2023

December 10th, 2023

I wanted to experiment with my brand new lashes so I made this gyaru outfit! It’s more of a banba gal outfit but still cute!

March 11th, 2024

March 11th, 2024

This outfit I went to go out with sum friends and I wanted to style my brand new handbag (seen in the image) with gyaru! As you can see I learned about not putting the white highlight in the droop, I styled the pink top (I made it myself :3) as manba (just more toned down on the makeup due to my mom :((() gyaru due to the color of the top :3!

June 28th, 2024

June 28th, 2024

Last but not least is my most recent gal outfit! I decided to wear this for the pride parade and I adore this look! >w< Its once again a banba gal look and it’s so adorbs! 

Let me know what u think of these looks in the comments and any criticisms/concerns are welcome! (Btw intending to hurt me with no input or advice is totes not criticism and is not welcome (ு⁎ு)྆྆ ) 

-signing off, XOXO, kai 

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Oka's profile picture

you got me interested in the gyaru fashion and subculture
i know this fashion but not very well and maybe if you can explain me more about this =)

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Yeah ofc! I’d be glad to help you understand gyaru better ^_^ I was thinking of making my next blog about what gyaru is and its many subcultures, origins etc.

by Phrog; ; Report

ty i will read it ^^

by Oka; ; Report