Haven't been on here for a while but wsssggggg, Current mentality, wanna be cut open and gutted because I feel that's my only use at this point. So lonely I feel I'll never be loved or cared for. Starving myself to the best of my ability, usually one meal a day, two when I'm fed in the morning. Gum and water during the school day Don't cut myself as much, I let some heal before doing it again so i... » Continue Reading
It was so fire you guys. Might have been $700 for 4 tickets buuuutttt IT WAS SO WORTH IT !!! IF YOU CAN I HEEEAAAAVVVILLLYYYY RECCOMMEND ! It's so theatrical !! The scenery, background, everything was amazing! I've lost my voice........ Because I sang all 28 songs with her.. BUT ... It's okay :3 She also sang all the songs, almost word for word. No idea how she does this multiple days in a row... » Continue Reading